Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Part II of Alli's battle with cancer

Hi Goalies! Part II, Here we go…

So, at this point in the story I have learned that I have stage 1 breast cancer at 26.  I have some tough decisions to make…lumpectomy vs. mastectomy and hard questions to ask the doctor…will I need chemotherapy? Will I be able to have children? Etc. I had a few more tests to go through that would help the doctor and I decide on the best course of action. I had my lymph nodes checked via an MRI, I had a Oncotype DX test done to determine if I needed chemo, I met with a fertility doctor to discuss my options for children and met with a plastic surgeon to get details on reconstruction….WHEW! Can we say a lot to take in? I was bombarded with information, statistics, and decisions to make now that could impact the rest of my life. I asked as many questions as I could and researched EVERYTHING but Prayer was my only answer and way of getting through and finding peace in my decisions.

After the MRI test, I found out that my lymph nodes were clear!! A Victory because that meant the cancer had not spread; however they found another tumor in the other breast.  After learning that news, I decided to have both breasts removed.  I had a rough recovery from surgery but my mom was there every day to care for me. She’s a gem!  A few weeks later, I learned I would NOT need chemotherapy from the Oncotype results!! A Victory so I had a No Chemo Party with Friends. :)

Losing my breasts was a hit to my self image and I was very emotional looking at what was left. I have now learned to celebrate the scars as my VICTORY scars and be confident, but it’s not easy. I did not anticipate the many emotional struggles that would come as a cancer survivor.  In future posts, I will discuss the emotional impact and mental battle of the mind and recommend a book for anyone dealing with those issues. 

Below are a few lessons I learned from this battle. Beating the "c" word made me a better person!  I am more aware of taking care of my body and making my health a priority. I cherish EVERY moment and make the most of every day, I spend as much time with friends and family as I can (physically and virtually) and I strive to DO, BE, LIVE life to fullest because I know it can change at any moment.  Stay focused GOALies…at the end of the game, if we play to win, we will!

Rules of the Game:
1.     Celebrate the small wins on your journey!
2.     Look for the blessings and lessons in every situation! 
3.     Don’t sweat the small stuff!
4.     Learn to stop and find JOY in the simple things!
5.     Breathe in Appreciation and Exhale Joy!
6.     Keep your eye on what you want to achieve!
7.     Take daily steps to move closer to your dreams!
8.     Share your journey with others!
9.     Discover the purpose and meaning in your days!
10.  Each day you get another chance to celebrate life….so live it to the fullest!

PinkHugs & Love,

For questions or comments please email us at We would love to hear from you! 

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