Sunday, April 13, 2014

I'll Never Let the Dream Killers Kill MY Self-Esteem

Hey Folks!
   It's DeAnna. I hope all is going well in your world. In this post I want to talk about having goals and dreams and not letting anything or anyone stop you from going after them.

 As children we all had wild and vivid imaginations on what we wanted to be or things we wanted to do when we got older. It took the adults in our lives to nurture those dreams and constantly remind us that we could be anything we want to be. However once we get older that may stop. At least it did for me.

 You see I grew up in a single parent home with a mother who suffered from depression. Sadly as a result, a lot of her internal battles came out negatively toward me since I was the only other person there. There were times when I could express dreams of things I wanted to do or things I wanted to be to my mother and because of her mental state I would never get the positive praise that the average parent would give to a child. I got the complete opposite. So over time it became "a thing" for me to do things just to prove to my mother that I could do them.

I literally went through all of my childhood and into adulthood with this mentally. Now while my living this way has allowed me to achieve some amazing goals, I can't say they were necessarily MY actual dreams. (If that makes sense) I was only achieving these things to prove to others what I could do or to make others happy when in turn I wasn't doing them for my own happiness.

Earlier this year, I finally had my "a ha" moment in living like this and I decided from this day forward I will live for me and ONLY me. I will reach the goals that I WANT to reach for MYSELF no matter what anyone says. Sure, there will always be someone telling you that you can't do something or you aren't good enough, but only YOU can truly assess that. At the end of the day, it is YOUR life and YOUR happiness that is at stake.

So I say to you now GOALie, go after those dreams that you have been putting on hold out of fear or doubt from others. Their approval will NEVER determine your happiness. Only God's approval and your own approval can help you reach true happiness and peace. KEEP DREAMING and KEEP REACHING!!!

For questions or comments please email us at We would love to hear from you guys!

Much Love,

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