Thursday, April 3, 2014

Part 1 of Alli's Battle with cancer

Hi Beautiful People! I am going to share the beginning of my battle with breast cancer. Here we go...

I have always been pretty health conscious, nearly a hypochondriac.  I wanted to go to the doctor for any and everything, even as a child.  Breast Cancer became a cause I was aware of after 2 of my dad’s sisters were diagnosed and ultimately both passed away.  My second aunt passed away when I was in college, I was so concerned so I researched breast cancer and asked my doctor what I should do. She mentioned self-exams that I could do in the shower.  So, I started breast self-exams in college.   

In September of 2011 at the age of 26, I felt a hard, round lump in my left breast that I had never felt before.  I was nervous but prayed and continue to monitor the lump for about a week.  When it did not go away or get smaller, I decided to go to the doctor.  My regular doctor was out of town, so I saw her partner since it was important.  He gave me an exam and thought it was a fibroid tumor and suggested I take Vitamin E to reduce the size.  He also suggested I get an ultra sound just so we are sure.  He was pretty sure it was a fibroid due to my age, but I was happy to do the ultra sound to ease my mind.
I went for an ultrasound a few days later and was in the office a little longer than I considered normal.  The radiologist came in to do some imaging himself and then ordered a mammogram be performed that day. 

After I got dressed, the radiologist wanted to talk to me that afternoon in his office.  Usually, after a scan, you go home and get the news later. I was super nervous since the radiologist wanted to talk that same day.  He told me the lump was actually a solid mass and there is a good chance that it is cancer.  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.  He sternly suggested that I get a biopsy done within the week to be sure. 

Fast forward a few days, I had the biopsy completed and left praying and claiming victory no matter what the doctors said. The next day, I received a phone call that would rock my world.  I thought the doctors were calling to check on me after the biopsy as planned.  The voice on the other end was actually my regular doctor and she had my biopsy results.  She goes on to say she wishes she could be there to hug me, but wanted to tell me as soon as possible.  She simply said these 3 words…It is cancer.  Huh? What did you say?  I couldn’t believe it! I asked what stage? Am I going to beat this? How bad? What? Me? Breast cancer? At 26? No way!

For 1 week, all I knew is that I had cancer…I did not know the stage, the prognosis or anything.  My family was so great in keeping me busy and occupied so that I would not dwell on the news.  God blessed me with unspeakable joy, faith and strength throughout the process.  1 week later I received the official diagnosis. Stage 1 DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in situnon-aggressive, ER/PR positive…..what does that mean?   It meant I had an early diagnosis and a great chance to beat this thing and I was sooooooo happy!  My doctor was great in explaining the diagnosis and reviewing all the treatment options available.

My first tough decision was deciding between a lumpectomy (to remove the tumor only) or a mastectomy (to remove my full breast).  I remembered terrible images in the past of women fighting breast cancer that lost their breasts and I cried like a baby! 

I had some tough decisions to make on this journey and I learned to depend on God like never before. I learned so much about myself, my spiritual relationship with God and the importance of prayer and faith.  Stay Tuned! I will share more about the cancer journey, the lessons I’ve learned through this battle and other battles throughout my life.  Hopefully we can start a great dialogue and grow better together. Let’s Go Goalies!!

PinkHugs & Love,

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