Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What am I Waiting for???

What am I Waiting for???

Hi Goalies! Have you ever asked yourself that question?? If not, I challenge you this week to do just that!
·       Go to a mirror
·       Stare boldly at your beautiful reflection
·       Then, close your eyes and think about all the goals, dreams and aspirations you have 
·       Imagine how it would make you feel to accomplish all that and more!! Feels pretty awesome, huh? J
·       Now open your eyes and ask yourself boldly…..What am I waiting for???

I wouldn’t ask my GOALie friends to do anything that I haven’t done.  I have been thinking about my big goals and dreams a lot lately and had to ask myself this question. See, I’ve let life get in the way lately…work, class, activities, social time, travel, etc. and I must get back on track.  We all have things we want and frankly NEED to accomplish. This world needs your gifts, your voice, your time, your leadership, your vision, your ______ (Fill in the blank).

Don’t let age, money, education, distractions, fear, laziness, procrastination, comments from others, or anything else hold you back from accomplishing all that God has for you! Live your dreams! Walk in Purpose! Seek greatness in all that you do!  You can do anything through prayer, discipline, obedience and hard work.  Will it be easy? No! Will it be worth it? Oh yes, baby!!!

Now I have short term goals and more long term goals.  The long term goals are BIG and sometimes scare me, honestly.  However, I received an amazing word from my new Pastor recently that changed my perspective.  He simply said, “If your goals do not intimidate you, they are probably an insult to God!” Wow! Pretty major, huh? God wants to go GREAT, BIG, AMAZING, things through our lives...above anything we could ever imagine. So, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR??? Let’s Go GOALies!!

Please take time this week to think over your short term goals and your BIGGER long term goals!  We have work to do!! This world needs us!! Here are a few “Rules of the Game” to get you started…

Rules of the Game:
1.        Ask yourself who you want to become, where you want to be, and what you want to accomplish?
2.        Write down all your gifts, passions and things that get you excited.
3.        Write down all your goals. (even the ones you think may be silly)
4.        Create a Vision Board (will share directions separately)
5.        Shout positive affirmations every morning, like:
·       “Nothing will stand in my way to achieving my goals!”
·       “These written goals are helping me achieve my life’s purpose!”
·       “I already have everything I need to achieve all my goals!”
·       “I am Victorious!”
·       “Everything is working out for me, right now!”
6.        Write down weekly to-do lists to accomplish small steps to reach each goal.
7.        Find an accountability partner you trust to share your goals with and have them check in on your progress.

Please share your goals, thoughts and progress with us! For questions or comments please email us at We would love to hear from you!

PinkHugs & Love,


  1. Cómo volví a ser una mujer feliz
    Con lágrimas de alegría y felicidad estoy dando mi testimonio a todos los espectadores en línea, mi problema con el cáncer de estómago etapa IB y el VIH me ha causado muchos dolores y tristeza, especialmente en mi familia.
    Tuve mucho miedo de perder mi vida, sufrí la vergüenza de visitar
    terapia cientos de veces, lamentablemente no encontraron una solución definitiva a mi problema, lloré todo el día y la noche, ¿tengo que vivir mi vida de esta manera? Busqué por todo el internet atención, fui estafada por estafadores de internet veces sin número... hasta que una amiga mía que se queda en el Reino Unido me presentó a una amiga suya que se curó de la misma enfermedad, y ella me presentó al Dr. Itua que la curó de Cáncer de Mama por este email/WhatsApp +2348149277967, Me envió sus medicinas a base de hierbas a través del servicio de mensajería y me dio instrucciones sobre cómo beber durante tres semanas para curar, seguí las instrucciones dadas a mí y hoy soy una mujer feliz de nuevo. Cura todo tipo de enfermedades como cáncer de cerebro, enfermedad trofoblástica gestacional, cáncer de cabeza y cuello, cáncer de ovario, linfoma de Hodgkin, herpes, cáncer de hígado, cáncer de garganta,
    Síndrome de Fibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva,Enfermedad de Alzheimer,Diarrea crónica,Copd,Parkinson,Als,Carcinoma adrenocortical Mononucleosis infecciosa.
    Cáncer de intestino,Cáncer de tiroides,Cáncer de útero,Fibroides,Angiopatía,Ataxia,Artritis,Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica,Tumor cerebral,Fibromialgia,Toxicidad por fluoroquinolonasCáncer de vejiga,VIH,Cáncer de esófago,Cáncer de vesícula,Cáncer de riñón,VPH,Cáncer de pulmón,Melanoma,Mesotelioma,Mieloma múltiple,Tumores neuroendocrinos
    Linfoma no Hodgkin,Cáncer oral,Cáncer de seno,Hepatitis A,B/C,Cáncer de piel,Sarcoma de tejidos blandos,Cáncer de columna,Cáncer de estómago,Cáncer de vagina,Cáncer de vulva
    Cáncer de testículo,Enfermedades de Tach, Leucemia.
